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Invention Disclosure Form


An Invention Disclosure Form is a tool used to document your invention and to assist us in evaluating the potential for patentability. If you would like Argus to review your invention and discuss the next step towards protection, please complete and submit the Invention Disclosure Form to the best of your ability. Submission of this Invention Disclosure Form is confidential and is not considered a public disclosure.


After we receive your invention information, an attorney will contact you to discuss your invention information. If you have any questions completing this form, call our office at (717) 322-4779 or email us at

Section 1: Basic Information

Invention Title

Provide a short descriptive title of the invention.

Inventor Information

Is there a co-inventor? If yes, please provide the co-inventor contact information.

Are you under any obligation to assign any rights in the invention to others?

Section 2: Disclosure of the Invention

Brief Description and Purpose of the invention. 

Describe the invention in general terms and the problem the invention solves.

Physical Structure of your Invention

What parts make up the invention, in its best (preferred) form? What does each contribute to the invention? 

Method of Use of your Invention

Does your invention involve steps to perform the function or purpose of the invention? Please describe the steps of performing the invention and the significance of each step. Indicate if the step is essential. Does the order of the steps impact the invention performance?

If available, use labeled sketches to detail your invention. Be sure all essential parts are shown on the sketch and try not to include extraneous details. Measurements are not required, unless they are essential to the operation of the invention.

Select File(s)

Drawings are always helpful, and if you are emailing this form to you can include them electronically in one of the standard graphic formats (PCX, GIF, JPG) or as a drawing file in AutoCAD DXF or DWG formats. Additionally, please provide any data collected of your invention results you have from testing the invention.

Section 3: Timeline Information

Date and circumstance of first public enabling disclosure of invention. This IMPORTANT date establishes bar dates (deadlines) for filing patent applications.​


Has the invention ever been described in any printed form, by anyone? If so, where and when?

Has the invention ever been shown or used in public, or offered for sale? If so, where and when?


Have you filed a Provisional or Nonprovisional Patent Application on this invention, or has there been an application for a patent filed outside the USA? If so, where and when?​​

Thanks for submitting!

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